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Advocacy Day "at" the Capital

The 11th Episcopal District of the AME Church has invited Pastors for Florida Children to join them in attending their Advocacy Day "at" the Capital which will occur on Tuesday, February 9, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Although participants would typically gather in Tallahassee for an advocacy training and visits with legislators, due to the pandemic the event will be hosted virtually. Here is the agenda for the half day virtual event:

9:00 AM - Welcome

9:10 AM - Full Public Education Funding, Dr. Danielle Thomas (Florida PTA)

10:00 AM - Criminalizing Public Protests, Kara Gross (ACLU FL)

10:50 AM - Voting Rights Reform, Carrie Boyd (SPLC)

11:40 AM - Keynote Speaker, Senator Audrey Gibson (FL Senate Minority Leader)

12:25 PM - Closing, The Rt. Rev. Adam Jefferson Richardson, Jr.(11th Episcopal District AME)

Mark your calendars now for this training hosted by our allies from the Florida AME Church. To receive the login information for the training, please email us at

Earlier Event: February 4
Fighting Voucher Legislation in 2021