Report a School

Many parents leave private schools participating in the Step Up for Students Scholarship Program each year frustrated with the lack of certified teachers, inadequate support for exceptional education students, and out-of-pocket costs. Others are angry and confused by the poor educational quality they find in charter schools.

Pastors for Florida Children would like the opportunity to help your voices be heard!

We will follow all privacy permission requests you list below.

Please complete the form

Don’t just tell us!

Please consider Reporting your experience to the Florida department of education. below are the requirements for submitting your complaint. View fl dept of education site HERE

All state complaints must include the following information and be emailed to

  1. Name of Student (or Complainant)

  2. Complainant Address

  3. Phone Number

  4. Name of Institution

  5. Location of the Institution (City)

  6. Dates of Attendance

  7. A full description of the problem and any other documentation that will support your claim such as enrollment agreements, correspondence, etc.

  8. The complaint process of the Commission involves contacting the institution to obtain their response to your complaint. If you do not want the Commission to contact the institution you are attending, you must state so in your complaint; however, doing so will greatly hinder the Commission's ability to assist you with your complaint.