

Pastors for Florida Children is a non-partisan statewide group of clergy and laity advocating for fully funded public schools. As people of faith, we have come together in recognition of the God-given potential of each child and the promise of the Florida Constitution for high-quality public schools.

Faith voices matter for the future of Florida's children in public schools!

Share Your Stories

Whether it’s leaving private schools participating in the Step Up for Students Scholarship Program frustrated with the poor educational quality, lack of certified teachers, inadequate support for exceptional education students, and out-of-pocket costs or concerns about high-stakes testing with the potential to deny your child a high school diploma or force your child to repeat a year in school. We’d like to share your stories of your child’s experience with such tests.

Parents l Pastors for Florida Children would like the opportunity to help your voices be heard!


Record a Legislator Visit

Whether you touch base in an email, through a phone call, or an in-person visit, be sure to tell lawmakers why public education matters to you. Click here to send us a report on your contact with a Florida legislator.